Sunday 25 September 2011

Kefir Grains Have Arrived! » Authority Sites Blog

Kefir Grains Have Arrived! » Authority Sites Blog

Kefir Grains Have Arrived!

December 20, 2008

Hooray, finally the Kefir grains I bought online have arrived. Well, it came all the way from Germany so it took about 9 days for it to ship all the way to Singapore. And this means that I can make my own Kefir. No more the powdered Kefir thingy but real probiotic milk Kefir with all the live cultures and yeasts! Yes, I have tasted the Kefir made from the powdered Kefir cultures but not the real stuff. I am quite certain that the real Kefir will taste diferent. Actually I really hope that it does.

Anyway, if you guys have no idea what Kefir Grains are used for, let me enlighten you. It is used to make Kefir. So you add milk to the Kefir Grains and let it ferment at room temperatures and it a few hours you get Kefir. Kefir is sort of like yogurt but is fermented from different cultures and yeast than yogurt. We all know that yogurt contains a few live cultures which are beneficial to you, but for Kefir, it contains much much more live cultures. That’s why I say that kefir is a probiotic food. The health benefits to Kefir is too numerous to list down here but you can never go wrong with Kefir. The milk Kefir is supposed to have a drinkable yogurt texture so just think of it as a morning cup of creamy milk. I supposed that a lot of people may be turned off by the fact that there is something like a grain fermenting sourish milk. If I didn’t know about Kefir, I would have never tried any sort of fermented milk. Heck, I only knew that Yakult or yogurt are actually fermented milk products recently! And Kim Chi which a lot of Singaporeans now like, they are also fermented products. Yes, these fermented produce are healthy stuff!

That’s the milk Kefir grains that was sent to me. Don’t look like grains to me. More like cotton wool being soaked with alcohol. And for god’s sake, look at the poor thing, been starving and was squashed for over 9 days now. Do remember that it is a living thing and like all living things, it will need food. It will also need some tender loving care like fresh milk to make it healthy again. The seller recommends me to give it a few days in milk for it to start getting active. I am not in a rush to drink milk Kefir, the most important thing now is to get the Kefir grains healthy. Without healthy grains, it is all for nothing right? I just hope that the Kefir grains are not dead from the transit. Anyway, I will be putting this in milk and letting it do it’s work for 3 days and see what is the result. I read that the first few batches would taste a little weird and unpleasant, which I need to avoid by NOT drinking the Kefir that is produced.

Well, in about 4 days time, I will report back with the taste of the Kefir. Wish me luck.If you are thinking of buying Kefir grain, please visit Mr Michael-Paul Patterson’s website – Timeless Health.